Crack the GRE®

Which books should I buy?

1. BARRON's How To Prepare For The GRE General Test (Galgotia Publications - India)

Barron's is an irreplaceable book and is a must-buy. It has a 3500-word vocabulary builder which consists of alphabetically arranged Word Lists 1-50. Each word has been explained with the help of a sentence bringing out its meaning. It will give your vocabulary the required boost. It will not only help you with Antonyms and Analogies, but will also improve your understanding of the Comprehensions.Its discussion on Basic Word Parts is a must-read. It has a whole lot of Exercises in all three sections and six full length tests. There are some really tough Analytical questions in this book, don't let them disappoint you...instead understand them and gain the required edge.

2. The Big Book

It has a collection of 27 full length tests. Another must-buy since you have to solve most, if not all, of the tests.

Email me if you are aware of any other books

